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We are very fortunate to have the ability to offer funding opportunities for our district members who choose to explore questions in athletic training through research initiatives.  The research that is supported by our District leads to the development of the young professional, while also paving the way for more seasoned researchers to explore avenues which can help provide pilot data for larger projects.  The opportunity to submit proposal materials is upon us, as the application deadline for electronic submissions is October 1st.  There are a few small changes to the application, so please review it carefully before submitting your materials.  The committee looks forward to your submissions! 


Bonnie Van Lunen, PhD, ATC, FNATA
Old Dominion University





​​District of Columbia



Ashley Santo
Towson University


North Carolina

           Ashley Thrasher

      Western Carolina University


​​South Carolina

Toni Torres-McGehee

University of South Carolina



Michael Higgins
University of Virginia


​​West Virginia

Suzanne Konz

Marshall University





The District III Research and Grant Committee is seeking research grant proposals in all areas of research related to athletic training.


Deadline for submission of grant application materials is October 1 of each year. Notification of award will occur approximately one month following submission.


 District III Application

Other Grant Opportunities



National Athletic Trainers' Association Research and Education Foundation LINK HERE

Deadline February 15


Eastern Athletic Trainers' Association LINK HERE  Deadline March 15


Southeast Athletic Trainers' Association LINK HERE  Deadline February 1

Research Grant Winners


The MAATA would like to congratulate the following grant award winners for current research:



John Goetschius, PhD, LAT, ATC; James Madison University; $735; Validating an affordable dynamometer for performing clinical measures of quadriceps strength in ACL reconstructed knees

Elaine Reiche, MS, LAT, ATC, CSCS; UNC-Chapel Hill; $600; Examination of perceptual functioning in patients post-ACL reconstruction

Susan Yeargin, PhD, ATC; University of South Carolina; $1,665; The association between central nervous system function and core body temperature in exertional heat stroke patients


2023 doctoral grant award winners

Sunghoon Chung, MS, ATC; Old Dominion University; $1,000; Progressive rehabilitation targeting neural excitability of individuals with chronic ankle instability

Nancy Uriegas, MS, LAT, SCAT, ATC; University of South Carolina; $1,000; Nutrition and mental health related factors across historically black college and university students: a qualitative study on the dimensions of food access



Caroline Lisee, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

$3,000 Determining the role of physical activity on cartilage health following ACL reconstruction



Nancy Uriegas, University of South Carolina

$1,040 Exertional heat illness in marching band artists


Natalie Kupperman, University of Virginia

$1,000 Athlete monitoring in division I collegiate basketball


Hannah Evans, Western Carolina University

Award: $960 Experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and asexual+ athletic trainers in clinical practice



Thomas Bowman, Lynchburg University

Award: $500 Return to learn in higher education following concussion


Alan Needle, Appalachian State University

$1700 The role of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on improving function in individuals with chronic ankle instability


Zachary Winkelmann, University of South Carolina

$800 Athletic trainers' viewpoints on patient-centered care



Alexandra DeJong, University of Virginia

$850 Field-based gait training for runners with exercise-related lower leg pain


Nicholas Erdman, University of Virginia

$850 Validation of the dual-task assessment of sport concussion


Ashley Suttmiller, Old Dominion University

$800 Comparison of balance training and hip strengthening protocols for individuals with chronic ankle instability


Danielle Torp, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

$500 Neuromuscular and biomechanical responses to external focus of attention feedback during functional tasks in individuals with chronic ankle instability



Rachel Koldenhoven, University of Virginia

$1,000 Effects of gait retraining on ankle position during walking in individuals with chronic ankle instability


Lesley Brown, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

$1,000 Acute deformation of patellofemoral cartilage following three different movements in patients with patellofemoral pain


Samuel Walton, University of Virginia

$1,000 Metabolic changes following sport-related concussion



Shelby Baez, Old Dominion University
$620.00 to support research entitled “Examination of fear of re-injury, fear avoidance beliefs, physical activity and patient-based and functional outcomes after ACL reconstruction”


Stephan Bodkin, University of Virginia
$780.00 to support research entitled “Visual Patterns during Distractive and Interactive Tasks Following ACL Reconstruction”


Lindsay Slater, University of Virginia
$800.00 to support research entitled “Fitness Level as Predictor of Performance Deterioration in Individuals after ACL Reconstruction”


Kathleen Hogan, Old Dominion University
$800.00 to support research entitled “Examination of the Foot Core System in Those with Plantar Fasciitis”



Jennifer Cuchna, Old Dominion University

$1040.00 to support research entitled “Student’s Perceptions of Standardized Patient Use in Athletic Training Education Curriculum”


Steven Pfeiffer, UNC - Charlotte

$940.00 to support research entitled “Effects of a Focused Plyometric Intervention on Biomechanics after ACL Reconstruction”


Christopher Burcal. UNC - Charlotte

$1000.00 to support research entitled “Cortical Correlates of Postural Control and its Response to Balance Training in Those with CAI”



Mark Sutherlin, University of Virginia

$1800.00 to support research entitled “Changes in muscle thickness across tasks between individuals with and without low back pain”


Neal Glaviano, University of Virginia

$1200.00 to support research entitled “The effect of patterned electrical neuromuscular stimulation on neuromuscular control during functional activities in patellofemoral pain patients”



Jatin Ambegankar, PhD

$750.00 to support research entitled “Effect of Hand Placement on Lower Extremity Muscle Activity Biomechanics During Drop Jumps.”


 Joseph Hart, PhD, ATC  

$1250.00 to support research entitled “Central and Peripheral Nervous System Adaptation Across the Sepectrum of ACL Injury and Reconstruction.”


Erik Wikstrom, PhD, ATC           

$500 to support research entitled “Cutaneous Sensation and Cognitive Loading in those with CAI, Copers, and Uninjured Controls.”


Megan Houston, MEd, ATC

Clinical and Laboratory Predictors of Self- Reported Function in Individuals with Chronic Ankle Instability.



Cailee E. Welch              

$2100.00 to support research entitled “Athletic trainers’ perceptions and behavioral changes towards evidence-based practice following implementation of an educational intervention.”


Michael Higgins, PhD     

$1250.00 to support research entitled “Effect of ball speed on head impact kinematics and concussion assessment scores during soccer heading.”



Erik Wikstrom, PhD, ATC             

$650.00 to research “Dual-task interference in those with and without ankle instability.”


Joseph Hart, PhD, ATC   

$1,000.00 to research “Influence of gender on neuromuscular control of the lower extremity following an exercise program.”



Erik Wikstrom, PhD, ATC            

$410.00 to research "Validating Wii Fit Balance Scores."


Scott E. Ross, PhD, ATC

$825.00 to research "Wii-habilitation for Functional Ankle Instability."


Dorice Hankemeier, MSEd, ATC              

$1265.00 to research "Approved Clinical Instructors Experience with Teaching Evidence Based Practice in Athletic Training Education Programs."



Cynthia Wright, MEd, ATC, LAT  

"Effect if fatigue on eversion force sense in individuals with functional ankle instability"


Melanie McGrath, MS, ATC       

"Changes in lower extremity movement patterns following exercise-induced fatigue and verbal feedback"


Bonnie Van Lunen, PhD, ATC      

"Entry-Level educators' experience with the instruction and use of evidence based practice within athletic training curriculum"


Sarah Manspeaker, MSEd, ATC

"Entry-Level educators' experience with the instruction and use of evidence based practice within athletic training curriculum"



Van Lunen B, Onate J, Haines K, Cortes N.

“Effects of three foot orthoses on plantar pressure of the first MTP joint of pes planus foot during standing and slow running.”


Ross SE              

“Effects of textured insoles on single leg balance of subjects with functional ankle instability.”


"Effects of ankle support on single leg balance of stable and instable ankles.”


Jackson K.           

“An analysis of lower extremity mechanics in adolescents and adults during anticipated and unanticipated dynamic tasks.”

Our Mission: To enhance the quality of health care for athletes and those engaged in physical activity, and to advance the
profession of athletic training through education and research in the prevention, evaluation, management, and rehabilitation of injuries.
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