​The MAATA supports the educational endeavors of future athletic trainers by offering scholarships to students showing potential in the profession.
Complete & attach applications and all ancillary documentation in one email (save for recommendations) to the chairperson of the scholarship committee. Applications emailed must be received by 11:59pm on March 15th.
Please note The Bobby Gunn Leadership applications are due 11:59pm on February 15th.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or your state representative.
MAATA Scholarship Committee Chair
Sara Pittelkau, MA, LAT, ATC​​

Edward Block Scholarship
The Edward Block Scholarship was developed to target candidates who are in their first year (having completed at least one full semester) of a District III CAATE-accredited Professional Athletic Training Program (ATP) and have distinguished themselves academically and clinically. A first-place award of $1,500.00 and second-place award of $1,000.00 is presented annually.
*Please refer to the application for specific requirements*
William Prentice Scholarship
The William Prentice Scholarship was developed to target candidates who will be entering a Post-Professional degree granting Athletic Training or AT related program including residencies, fellowships, PhD, EdD, or DAT programs. A first-place award of $1,500.00 is presented annually.
*Please refer to the application for specific requirements*
A.C. 'Whitey'
Gywnne Scholarship
The A.C. “Whitey” Gwynne Scholarship was developed to target candidates who are in their second year of a professional athletic training program or will have completed their master’s degree by the time this scholarship is presented, and who also plan on pursuing the profession of Athletic Training as their means of livelihood.
A first-place award of $1,500.00 and a second place award of $1,000.00 is presented annually.
*Please refer to the application for specific requirements*
Larry Sutton
The Larry Sutton Scholarship was developed to target candidates who indicate an intention to continue academic work beyond the completion of a Professional Athletic Training Program, and who plans to pursue the profession of Athletic Training as their means of livelihood. Candidates must be a currently enrolled in their final year of a Professional Athletic Training Program during the academic year of the scholarship application or a graduate of a CAATE-accredited Professional Athletic Training program within the last year (NOTE: applicant will be either eligible to take the BOC Examination at the time the scholarship is awarded or who has become BOC-certified within the last year). A first-place award of $1,500.00 and a second place award of $1,000.00 is presented annually.
*Please refer to the application for specific requirements*